Code of Conduct for Customer


By using ZIP services as a customer, you are bound by the following Code of Conduct.


  1. No Assault, harassment or abuse or such other criminal acts of any kind shall be allowed or tolerated. 

Physical abuse, verbal harassment, sexual assault, rape, murder, kidnapping, threats and intimidation, theft, robbery, sexual assaults, possession of illicit materials or weapons, acts of vandalism or damage to property against driver and rider partners. ZIP shall file the necessary criminal and/or civil cases and avail all other the legal means and remedies against offenders. You may not attempt to contact your driver or fellow passengers after the trip, unless it is to arrange the return of a lost item.


  1. Follow road safety laws.

Do not ask our driver and rider partners to speed or commit traffic violations, including stopping at unsafe or illegal locations. Wear a seatbelt at all times. Wear a helmet if travelling on a bike or scooter. Babies, children and any pets must travel with appropriate restraints where governed by local laws.


  1. Drugs and weapons must not be brought inside the vehicle.

If you suspect your driver is under the influence you have the right to end the trip immediately and alert the authorities. Likewise, it is strictly and absolutely prohibited to use ZIP as a platform to transport drugs or other illegal goods or items.


If you are found to be in violation of the foregoing, ZIP may take necessary actions including but not limited to temporarily or permanently suspension of your account.